The MuchSmarter Blog

Feeling Habit 9: Learn to Love Neutral

Steve Schecter
September 21, 2024

When I first learned to let go, I did not quite trust the experience.

Around the time I was starting the private tuition practise that became Much Smarter, I learned to let go of anger, worry, regret, the lot.

The benefits were enormous, and the price—gentle persistence over time—so modest.

One of my first students feared maths the way a hiker would fear a grizzly bear. On the eve of a big test, I taught her how to let go of that fear, and she had a breakthrough result.

Even with all this evidence, though, I still felt some resistance.

The truth was, I loved powerful emotions.

As a lifelong musician, I could feel—and express—deep sadness, defiant rage, and triumphant happiness as part of the beauty of life.

I could also enjoy these contrasting emotions in a movie, book or work of art.

I didn't quite know what life would be like in the absence of those emotions. Would “neutral” be bland? Boring? Lifeless?

Those doubts made me hold back somewhat in letting go of limiting emotions.

But over time, I eventually LEARNED TO LOVE NEUTRAL. I found that letting go of anger, worry, and regret created freedom. And that freedom led to an abiding joy.

I found that I could experience and enjoy ALL of life’s powerful emotions—but I didn’t need to hold on to the anger, worry, and regret.

And if I wanted to play my best game, getting to neutral was the first step to me being focused enough to do it!

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