The MuchSmarter Blog

Thinking Habit 1: You Don't Know Your Limits!

Steve Schecter
October 9, 2024

Brittany was failing chemistry.

In isolation, failing chemistry perhaps did not mean very much. But for Brittany, it was emblematic of the way her life seemed to run.
To me, she seemed to be SO much more than who she thought she was.

Yes, she was failing chemistry, but actually, she did not see herself as succeeding in ANYTHING. She seemed to need a steady supply of caffeine just to stay awake. Perhaps she was not going to turn everything around at once, but she could turn her chemistry course around.

For this task, she needed to give herself a new reputation in advance.

She needed a new habit of thinking: YOU DON'T KNOW YOUR LIMITS.

You are not limited by your past (or present) performance in any area of life.

You don't know, when you begin practicing a game, how good you can ultimately be.

And if you don't know, then why not assume the best about yourself and see what happens?

Brittany got a 92 on her chemistry final. With that accomplishment, she sent herself a signal that she did not know her limits and that she could take charge in several different arenas of her life.

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